
판매원과 고객간의 상호의존성이 거래관계에 미치는 영향 : 상호의존성 측정을 위한 방법론적 제언을 중심으로
The effects of interdependence between salespersons and customers on relationship : Focus on the discussion of measuring methods of interdependence
Document Type
마케팅관리연구, 07/30/2016, Vol. 21, Issue 3, p. 101-132
관계의 질
범주형 접근
차원형 접근
상호의존성의 총합
상호의존성의 불균형
Service quality
Relationship orientation
Categorical approach
Dimensional approach
Total interdependence
Interdependence asymmetry
In recent, the definition of interdependence has been elevated to the dyadic concept with the recognition that a salesperson's dependence on customer is relative to customer's dependence on it. Despite its importance for relationship marketing, the effect of interdependence between salesperson and customer in the service encounter remains elusive because of the unclear operational definition and validity in which it is the analytical methods to measure the interdependence. The research consists of two studies. Study 1 is to review of extant literature which indicates measurement of interdependence. And then researchers evaluate extant methods to measure the interdependence. Thus, we suggest the answer about that extant methods are valid and what advantages and disadvantages each methods has over the other? Two approaches have been used to measure the interdependence. First, the categorical approach keeps salesperson dependence and customer dependence separate and categorizes each as low or high. It creates a 2X2 interdependence matrix. Second, the dimensional approach algebraically manipulates salesperson dependence and customer dependence. In the dimensional approach, there are two dimensions of interdependence. Total interdependence is the sum of salespersons's dependence and customer's dependence, whereas interdependence asymmetry is the difference between the salespersons's dependence and customer's dependence. Study 2 was focused on the effects of interdependence on customer attitudes. We propose that the degree of both total interdependence and interdependence asymmetry affect the level of customer's relationship quality(satisfaction, trust, commitment). Using survey data, we demonstrate that, with increasing total interdependence , the customer's relationship quality was increase. In addition, we found that interdependence asymmetry has negative effect on customer's relationship quality. According to researchers, customer's behavioral responses is no less important than emotional responses. In this study, we suggest that cusotmer's perceived relationship quality as emotional responses affect long-term relationship orientation as behavioral response. The empirical study results demonstrate that relationships with greater relationship quality exhibit higher long-term relationship orientation. The implications of this study are as follows. First, the study focused on the interdependence between sales persons and customers as an essential element in dyadic relationships. Second, We apply various measurements of interdependence in the service encounter to sales person-customer relationships and contrast it with previous researches. Third, this study deals with customer's behavioral responses and emotional responses. These results provide that practical implications to manage interdependence between sales persons and customers. Finally, the results from study 2 imply that the company should keep focusing and managing on is finding ways of balancing interdependence in the service encounter. Then limitations and suggestions for future research are presented. We collected data from only hair service among various service encounters for study 1 and 2. And we examined customers' perceptions of the sales persons' dependence in the service encounter. Although we believe this approach is appropriate for study, it is not fully obtained from the sales persons and customers sided of the dyad. Additional research needs to explore the range of study for generalization. Lastly, further research is needed to find antecedent factors of interdependence for marketing practitioners.