
대학 교양의 기초교육으로서 양적 추론 (Quantitative Reasoning) 개설 현황과 분석
The current conditions of Quantitative Reasoning (QR) as basic education of university education
Document Type
교양교육연구, 12/31/2019, Vol. 13, Issue 6, p. 29-55
양적 추론(QR)
교양·기초 교육과정
QR 교과목
Quantitative reasoning (QR)
liberal arts and basic education
basic education
liberal arts education
and QR curriculum
This research examines how quantitative reasoning (QR), a basic skill required by big data society, is currently being addressed in the liberal arts and basic education of 10 universities in the metropolitan area (Gunkuk University, Kyunghee University, Korea University, Sogang University, Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University, Yonsei University, Ewha Womans University, Chung-Ang University and Hanyang University). In addition, we are compared and analyzed QR curriculum, which is being conducted in the liberal arts and basic education of american universities (Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, and Carleton College). The results of the analysis on the availability of QR curriculum based on the curriculum name and outline for 10 universities equipped with basic academic fields are as follows. Seoul National University and Sungkyunkwan University have QR curriculum in their basic education. And seven universities (Konkuk University, Kyunghee University, Korea University, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Ewha Womans University, and Chung-Ang University) have QR curriculum in subject area of the liberal arts education (distribution). However, according to the criteria for taking the liberal arts and basic education courses by university, Seoul National University and Sungkyunkwan University take QR curriculum as optional subjects, excluding some non-engineering students. In the case of seven universities, students are less likely to take QR curriculum. In other words, QR education is neglected in the areas of basic education, which are education programs that foster basic knowledge and basic intellectual and linguistic skills for most of the 10 universities. On the other hand, in the liberal arts education of American universities, all students regardless of their major must take the QR curriculum as compulsory courses, and develop QR curriculum that incorporate various academic fields. Therefore, domestic universities acknowledge that the QR area is the basic skills required by the academic activities and society, and propose to open it as the basic education.