
교사전문성과 교사리더십 개념 관계에 관한 시론적 논의
Introductory Discussion on the Relationship of Concepts between Teacher Expertise and Teacher Leadership
Document Type
한국교원교육연구, 09/30/2022, Vol. 39, Issue 3, p. 383-407
교사전문성과 교사리더십 관계
교사전문성과 교사리더십 차이
Teacher Expertise
Teacher Leadership
The Relationship Between Teacher Expertise and Teacher Leadership
The Differences between Teacher Expertise and Teacher Leadership
The current study take a preliminary approach as it examines the relationship as well as discrepancy between teacher expertise and teacher leadership through literature review and content analysis; analyzing the concepts of teacher expertise and teacher leadership reflecting its consultation perspective as well as its extended meaning. Based on the study results, the two concepts could be categorized into three subordinate relationships: parallelistic, superordination and parallel relationship. First, parallelisitic relationship holds a perspective where attributes of teacher leadership is within teacher expertise and vice versa. Second, superordination was examined in two separate cases; one, where teacher expertise comes under teacher leadership suggesting teacher expertise become the bases of teacher leadership; and two, teacher leadership comes under teacher expertise, where they look at one specific area of teacher expertise and confirm it as teacher leadership. Lastly, we could look at teacher expertise and teacher leadership as two separate, independent identities under parallel relationship. Furthermore, based on these observations, discrepancy between teacher expertise and teacher leadership was examined; and it was found that teacher expertise emphasize on ability whereas teacher leadership emphasize on actualizing one’s abilities; and teacher expertise stresses what it takes to be a teacher when teacher leadership stresses on the type of relationship teacher and student should build. The findings of the current study holds its share of significance as it expanded and systemized two concepts as it offers comparisons of teacher expertise and teacher leadership whilst architecting a brand new relationship model between them.