
아이트래커를 활용한 야립광고 수용자 효과측정 연구
The Study on the Measurement of Consumer Effect for OOH Advertisements Utilizing Eyetracker.
Document Type
광고학연구, 08/30/2014, Vol. 25, Issue 6, p. 135-168
브랜드 친밀도
OOH advertisement
Brand Familiarity
Because the effect of OOH(Out of Home) advertisement can be different depending on physical features, types, and the context of consumer exposure, it is not appropriate to identically apply other methods, designed to measure the effect of general advertising, to OOH advertisements. Hence, it is necessary to develop systematic methods to prove its effect in terms of the efficiency for advertising budgeting. In this vein, the current study attempted to examine the influence of visual responses of consumers such as the number of fixations, fixations duration on the attitude to a particular product advertisement. Also, authors investigated interactive effects between factors including diverse variables measured through eyetracker, brand familiarity, and attitude to advertising media. For the study, A freeway with high congestion and good visibility and B freeway with low congestion and low visibility were selected, being 15 respondents alloted for A, 16 ones for B respectively. As a result, it has been shown that congestion and visibility had a significant effect on visual responses and attitude to a particular product advertisements. In other words, As congestion is high and visibility is good, fixations duration is longer and attitude to advertisements is more positive. Type of advertisements affected visual responses of consumers, attitude to OOH advertisements for a particular product, and brand attitude. That is, compared to general types, fixations duration was longer as well as both attitude to OOH advertisements for a particular product and brand attitude were more positive when types are mixed. Among features of advertising outline, with regard to color, it was demonstrated that red has more influences on duration fixations in A freeway, whereas blue has more influences on duration fixations in B freeway. In addition, text-only advertising outline showed longer durations fixations than ones including images. The number and size of characters didn't have any influence on visual responses, but had positive effect on brand attitude. Attitude to OOH advertisement itself had direct effect on the number of fixations and fixations duration which positively affected attitude to an advertisement for a particular product, leading to the positive effect on brand attitude. Brand familiarity made significant difference only on fixations duration and didn't make any influence on the number of fixations and fixations duration. In the point that the finding can suggest the possibility to measure the effect of OOH advertisements academically and can make the strategic utilization of OOH advertisements possible, the present study is expected to have significant implications.