
개념사 연구와 연계한 국어 어휘사 연구 방법
Korean Lexicon History Research Method Linked to Conceptual History Research
Document Type
국어사연구, 04/30/2024, Vol. 38, p. 7-31
역사학적 언어학
history of lexicon
history of concepts
historical linguistics
historical sociolinguistic research
This paper is an experimental study to explore research methods on the history of the Korean lexicon in connection with research on the history of concepts. Traditionally, the history of the Korean language is the study of the history of the phoneme, lexical, and grammar of the Korean language, while the history of concepts is known as an academic field that studies the formation and change process of historically important concepts at the level of historical linguistics. The relationship between Korean language history and conceptual history has certain differences not only in the vocabulary or concept to be studied, but also in the perspective from which the research object is viewed. From the perspective of Korean language history, the focus is on exploring the principles of linguistic change inherent in the history of vocabulary or words, while from the perspective of conceptual history, attention is paid to the formation and change of vocabulary concepts with historical meaning. In this paper, we examine how the study of lexical history, word history, and etymology corresponding to the history of language and the study of conceptual history can be connected from the perspective of modern linguistics, and solve the problem of ‘multilayeredness’ as a method of understanding the structure of concepts. As a way to do this, we wanted to propose ‘historical sociolinguistic research’. This methodology refers to a method of studying the meaning of vocabulary, the process of conceptual differentiation, and the emergence of new conceptual words in relation to historical and social factors. Since the translation of new modern academic languages and the principles of new character creation are not only a field of Korean language history in themselves, but are also closely related to conceptual history, it is expected that research linked to conceptual history will make a certain contribution to the development of Korean language history.