
수학적 창의성 관점에서 본 교사의 발문 분석
An Analysis of Teacher Questioning Focused on Mathematical Creativity
Document Type
한국초등수학교육학회지, 12/30/2010, Vol. 14, Issue 3, p. 865-884
수학적 창의성
발문 분석
mathematical creativity
teacher questioning
The purpose of this research was to analyze the characteristics of teachers' questionings in the geometry field and suggest the characteristics of teacher questioning to enhance students' mathematical creativity. Teacher questioning plays a role to students' mathematical achievements, mathematical thinking, and their attitudes toward mathematics. However, there has been little research on the roles of teacher questioning on students' mathematical creativity. In this research, researchers analyzed teachers' questions concerning the concepts of triangles in the geometric areas of 4th grade Korean revised 2007 mathematics textbooks. We also analyzed teachers' questionings in the three lessons provided by the Jeju Educational Internet Broadcasting System. We classified and analyzed teachers' questionings by the sub-factors of creativity. The results showed that the teachers did not use the questionings that appropriately enhances students' mathematical creativity. We suggested that teachers need to be prepared to ask questions such as stimulating students' various mathematical thinking, encouraging many possible responses, and not responding with yes/no. Instead, teachers need to encourage students to explain the reasons of their responses and to take part in learning activities with interest.