
장애운동선수들의 대학생활 적응과 환경적 제약
Campus Life and Environmental Restrictions of Student Athletes with Disability
Document Type
한국운동재활학회지, 11/30/2010, Vol. 6, Issue 4, p. 111-126
adapted physical activity
athlete with disability
support for higher education
school athletic club
campus life of disabled students
support for teaching
The objective of this study is to determine how athletes with disability adapt to campus life, and their environmental restrictions in the campus. To this end, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted among the members of the N-university-run athletic club for the disabled in Korea, and a focus group discussion was carried out. The study participants were 15 N university student athletes with disability. Data were gathered for this study via document collection, focus group discussion, interviews, and participation observation. Data analysis was carried out using the constant comparative method. To ensure the feasibility and reliability of this study, the triangulation and member check methods were used. The results of the in-depth interviews spanning six fields (the college entrance exam method for selection, support for teaching and learning, athletic support, life support, employment support, and facility support) are presented in this paper. Such study results are expected to shed light on the difficulty of adapting to campus life on the part of athletes with disability, and on their environmental restrictions.