
사용자의 지각된 통제력이 디지털 금융서비스 이용의도에 미치는 영향 : 프라이버시 염려 조절효과를 중심으로
Effects of Perceived Control on Usage Intention toward Digital Finance Service : Moderating Role of Privacy Concern
Document Type
경영정보학연구, 11/30/2023, Vol. 25, Issue 4, p. 161-181
디지털 금융서비스
지각된 통제력
결정 통제력
프라이버시 염려
Digital Finance Service
Perceived Control
Decisional Control
Usage Intention
Privacy Concern
As the post-COVID-19 consumer life environment is rapidly becoming non-face-to-face, changing non-face-to-face financial life services are having a significant impact on consumers' daily lives. People who do not have access to digital devices and services that have become essential goods are at risk of being left behind in the “digital blind spot,” where they are marginalized not only in their daily lives but also in society and the economy as a whole (Kim Min-Jeung A, Kim Min-Jung B, Park Joo-Yung, 2022). In this study, we examined the effects of perceived control factors, Cognitive control, behavioral control, and decisional control, on intention to use digital finance. For this study, we surveyed 133 customers who are aware of and intend to use digital finance. The results show that cognitive control, behavioral control, and decisional control have significant effects on intention to use digital finance. In this relationship, the moderating effect of privacy concerns differs from the effect of decision control on intention to use digital finance. These findings suggest that digital financial services firms should consider whether to reduce or increase customer control. Based on these findings, we discuss marketing strategies and implications for digital financial services companies.