
Consumers’ Online Social Exclusion Experience on Conformity Consumption
온라인상에서의 사회적 배제 경험이 동조 소비에 미치는 영향
Document Type
서비스마케팅저널, 12/31/2023, Vol. 16, Issue 2, p. 91-104
온라인 사회적 배제
동조 소비
사회적 거리
지각된 공허감
Online Social Exclusion
Conformity Consumption
Social Distance
Perceived Emptiness
As social beings, humans have been forming various relationships, ranging from face-to-face interactions in the past to recent online interactions. Throughout these processes, consumers often encounter forms of social exclusion, such as rejection or exclusion from others. Especially with the recent prevalence of online interactions, social exclusion occurring on SNS, like making friends or commenting, is perceived as a factor threatening the fundamental human need for belongingness. In this context, we focus on the effects of social exclusion on consumption, particularly conformity consumption. Specifically, this research investigated the mediating role of perceived emptiness and the moderating role of social distance in the relationship between consumers’ online social exclusion experience and conformity consumption. We employed a 2 (social exclusion: exclusion vs. inclusion) × 2 (social distance: close vs. distant) between-subjects design. Results from a survey of 235 respondents showed that individuals who experienced social exclusion on Facebook were more likely to evaluate the possibility of engaging in conformity consumption higher than those who experienced social inclusion. Furthermore, individuals who experienced social exclusion online (vs. inclusion) rated their perceived emptiness higher and exhibited more conformity consumption. Lastly, individuals who experienced social exclusion on Facebook showed a higher intention to purchase products that their close friends (vs. distant friends) bought. This current research provides marketers with insights by maximizing the potential for conformity consumption among consumers who experience social exclusion in online advertising situations.