
시각장애 청소년 건강 컨설팅 관점의 학생건강체력평가 분석
Analysis of Student Health and Physical Fitness Assessment from the Perspective of Health Counseling for Visually Impaired Adolescents
Document Type
컨설팅융합연구, 12/28/2023, Vol. 3, Issue 4, p. 27-40
Visual Impairments
Physical Activity Promotion System
The purpose of this study is to compare the physical fitness differences between visually impaired adolescents and non-visually impaired adolescents based on the results of the PAPS (Presidential Physical Fitness Award Program) in order to provide fundamental data for policy directions to promote the health of visually impaired adolescents. The study's participants included a total of 1,058 individuals from 11 different schools in the Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon regions. This group comprised 888 non-visually impaired middle school students in grades 1, 2, and 3, as well as 173 visually impaired middle school students in grades 1, 2, and 3 from 8 special schools for the visually impaired across the country. The study used PAPS (Presidential Physical Fitness Award Program) measurement records conducted as part of basic physical fitness promotion activities. Data processing involved the use of two-way ANOVA to test differences based on visual impairment status, grade, and gender for various aspects of students' physical health assessments, including cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, agility, obesity, and the total health and physical fitness assessment score. This analysis was performed with a significance level set at p<.05. Significant differences were observed in cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, agility, and overall health and physical fitness assessment scores based on the presence or absence of disabilities. However, no significant difference was found in obesity scores. Regarding grade level, significant differences were noted in cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and overall health and physical fitness assessment scores, but there were no significant differences in flexibility, agility, or obesity scores. In terms of gender, there were no significant differences in cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, agility, and overall health and physical fitness assessment scores. However, there was a significant difference in obesity scores. There is a demand for approaches that can facilitate comprehensive physical development related to health among visually impaired students. This includes motivating their participation in physical activities and creating an environment conducive to their needs, as well as ensuring the validity and reliability of health management, including fitness assessment tools for visually impaired students.