
지역 운영의 군사개입과 ‘예외 공간’의 형성(1957~1971년) - 주한미군의 ‘지역사회관계 자문위원회’ 조직과 활동을 중심으로
The Military Intervention in Regional Operation and Formation of the Exceptional Space(1957~1971) - Focusing on the Organization and Activities of the Community Relations Advisory Committee by the USFK
Document Type
한국민족운동사연구, 09/30/2022, Vol. 112, p. 133-171
지역사회관계 자문위원회
기지 생활권
지역 운영 정책
United States Forces in Korea(USFK)
Community Relations Advisory Council(CRAC)
USFK Military Base
Military Camp Town
Base Living Zone
Regional Operation Policy
After the division, the Korean government emphasized security and the establishment and operation of authoritarian governments for this purpose with controlling regional operations. Local autonomy, which had been discussed for efficient and democratic regional operation before the establishment of the government, was delayed for security purposes, and control by the government was applied to regional operation. However, an "exceptional space" was formed in the operation of the region for the purpose of security under division, which was an area where the U.S. military was stationed. This study identified the organization and activities of Community Relations Advisory Council(CRAC) as a medium to intervene in regional operation in Korea with depicting the space where the United States Forces in Korea(USFK) could manage as an "exceptional space" from the control of Korean government on region. At this time, regional operation is generally performed by local governments, and refers to activities to improve and support the living environment of local residents. The USFK began its long-term military presence, emphasizing exchanges with the residents around the base, and organized and operated the ‘CRAC’ in earnest. The 'CRAC', which was expanded to a lower regional level based on the location of the USFK, was integrally managed in connection with the USFK headquarters. Through this committee, the U.S. Forces Korea provided assistance to the local community in addition to direct cultural exchanges between U.S. soldiers and residents in the region, and supported community living space maintenance activities. This shows the characteristics of the operation of the Korean region under the Cold War and division, which justified control for security purposes as the USFK intervened in the operation of the local community around the base for stable base operation. Foreign troops were able to intervene in the regional operation of Korea, and policies that prioritized military and security values over the promotion of residents' lives and welfare were implemented.