
Family social capital as a mediator between socioemotional wealth and entrepreneurial orientation: evidence from Mexican SMEs
Document Type
Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 2023, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 159-177.
Research paper
International business
Family social capital
Social capital
Socioemotional wealth
Entrepreneurial orientation
Family firms
Capital social familiar
Capital social
Riqueza socioemocional
Orientación emprendedora
Empresas familiares
Orientação empreendedora
Purpose The type of social capital among families involved in business, or family social capital, has both positive and negative effects on family firms. This paper aims to investigate the mediating role of social relationships of family business members between socioemotional wealth (SEW) and firms' entrepreneurial orientation. Design/methodology/approach The authors applied a survey conducted in the four main cities in Mexico. The sample consisted of 360 small and medium enterprise (SMEs). This study's research framework and hypothesis were tested using regression analysis and the structural equation modeling technique. Findings This study finds that not only does SEW strongly influence the entrepreneurial orientation of family firms, but this influence is also mediated by the capability of such families to develop their social capital. Research limitations/implications The results show the perspective of one person in the company. Though it is the person with the highest rank and presumably the person who thoroughly knows the company, there is always a possibility of bias, which may inflate the results presented in this paper. Practical implications Based on this study's results, family firms should continuously improve their entrepreneurial abilities to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. In addition, their unique family-related characteristics further enhance these strategic approaches' positive effects on relational capital development. Originality/value This work contributes to the academic literature on entrepreneurship and social capital. As a mediator between SEW and entrepreneurial orientation, family relational capital has been under-researched. The results of this study reveal significant implications for networking management and relational capital strategies for SMEs.
Propósito Las relaciones y conexiones de las familias involucradas en los negocios, o capital social familiar, tienen efectos tanto positivos como negativos en las empresas familiares. Este artículo investiga el papel mediador de las relaciones sociales de los miembros de la empresa familiar entre la riqueza socioemocional y la orientación empresarial de las empresas. Diseño/metodología/enfoque Se aplicó una encuesta realizada en las cuatro principales ciudades de México. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 360 pymes. El marco de investigación y la hipótesis de este estudio se probaron mediante análisis de regresión y la técnica Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hallazgos Nuestro estudio encuentra que la riqueza socioemocional no solo influye fuertemente en la orientación emprendedora de las empresas familiares, sino que este factor también está mediado por la capacidad de dichas familias para desarrollar su capital social. Originalidad/Valor Este trabajo contribuye a la literatura académica sobre emprendimiento y capital social. Como mediador entre la riqueza socioemocional y la orientación emprendedora, el capital relacional familiar ha sido poco investigado. Nuestros resultados revelan implicaciones significativas para la gestión de redes y las estrategias de capital relacional para las Pymes.