
Design and Simulation of intelligent dimmer based on Fuzzy PID
Document Type
2020 International Conference on Intelligent Design (ICID) ICID Intelligent Design (ICID), 2020 International Conference on. :86-89 Dec, 2020
Computing and Processing
PI control
Pulse width modulation
Light emitting diodes
Lighting control
PID Control
Eye protection Lamp
Illumination Control
According to the requirements of medical research and the World Health Organization for scientific eye use, combined with the current situation of illumination control, a kind of illumination control technology is proposed by using fuzzy PID control method. In order to citify the fuzzy PID control, and to have a good control effect on the illumination control of eye protection lamp, this paper takes the lighting control of eye protection lamp as an example, by using the controller controls the output PWM to control LED lighting, and experiments are carried out and the expected results are achieved according to the control requirements of relevant lighting indicators, which also shows its reliability and feasibility. Compared with the PID control system, the dimming control performance is more prominent, which meets the relevant regulations and eye requirements. The experiment also shows that the control technology can be used to improve the traffic intelligent lighting. This paper also analyzes and discusses the application prospect and research direction of this control technology in intelligent life or artificial intelligence.