
Node Cluster Analysis of Weapon System of Systems Network based on SLPA
Document Type
2022 8th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Science (ICMEAS) ICMEAS Mechanical Engineering and Automation Science (ICMEAS), 2022 8th International Conference on. :197-201 Oct, 2022
Computing and Processing
Decision making
Clustering algorithms
Mechanical engineering
System of systems
Weapon System of Systems
Node Cluster
Community Detection
With the enhancement of weapon equipment information connectivity, weapon equipment has formed a large-scale weapon system. Understanding the structure of weapon system network is of great significance to win modern wars. In this paper, the weapon system of equipment is abstracted as the weapon system network, and combined with SLPA algorithm, the node clustering in the weapon system network is studied. By adjusting the threshold r, the nodes belonging to multiple communities and those not belonging to any community are studied. Through simulation, it is found that strike weapons are easy to form stable communities, and generally belong to a single community. The sensor and decision-making weapons, when the threshold r changes, are easy to belong to multiple overlapping communities and do not belong to any community.