
Reliability Evaluation of Distribution System Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network
Document Type
2023 3rd Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC) Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC), 2023 3rd. :633-637 Aug, 2023
Computing and Processing
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Knowledge engineering
System dynamics
Statistical analysis
Systems operation
Power system dynamics
Distribution networks
Maintenance engineering
distribution system
reliability evaluation
dynamic Bayesian network
The assessment of reliability in the distribution system is a crucial undertaking that plays a vital role in ensuring uninterrupted and high-quality power delivery, we propose a reliability assessment approach for the distribution system utilizing a dynamic Bayesian network. Firstly, we model the components of the distribution system and their relationships. By collecting historical data and expert knowledge, a dynamic Bayesian network model is constructed, which can describe the state evolution and fault propagation process of distribution system and take into account the interaction between different components and the conditional probability changing with time. Subsequently, we employ the dynamic Bayesian network framework to assess the reliability. By incorporating reliability indicators and operational constraints, we have the means to conduct a quantitative analysis on the dependability of the distribution system. Eventually, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed method through a case study of an actual distribution system. The findings indicate that the reliability evaluation method based on dynamic Bayesian network can accurately assess the dependability of the distribution and provide important decision support for system operation and maintenance