
Efficient compensation methods for modal dispersion in radio over multimode fiber links
Document Type
2014 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON) Microwaves, Radar, and Wireless Communication (MIKON), 2014 20th International Conference on. :1-3 Jun, 2014
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Photonics and Electrooptics
Signal Processing and Analysis
Optical fiber dispersion
Optical fiber filters
Optical fiber networks
Optical fibers
Air cleaners
multimode fiber
modal dispersion
mode filtering
Radio over Fiber
OFDM over Fiber Links
The multimode fiber (MMF) is a proper choice for short range optical fiber connections. Several applications need cost effective solutions. These connections can apply MMFs, however, the transmission parameters are degraded by the fiber modal dispersion. Therefore any efficient method to compensate modal dispersion is very important. In this paper mode filtering technique is introduced for that purpose. Two types of mode filters are proposed and tested by simulations and measurements. By the application of mode filters significant improvement is achieved in the transmission of QPSK and QPSK-OFDM signals. E.g. in case of a 500m long multimode fiber link transmitting signals with 500Mb/s bit rate the error vector magnitude (EVM) is improved from 40% to 5%.