
Int-serv framework architecture and QoS implementation in the IPv6
Document Type
ISIE '99. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Cat. No.99TH8465) Industrial electronics - Slovenia Industrial Electronics, 1999. ISIE '99. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on. 3:1214-1217 vol.3 1999
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Computing and Processing
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Quality of service
Streaming media
Multimedia systems
Transport protocols
Computer science
Multimedia communication
Application software
Computer architecture
Over past several years there has been a considerable amount of research in the new field of quality-of-services (QoS) support for distributed multimedia systems. To date, most of the work has been within the context of individual architectural layers. Current research work is concentrated in overall end-to-end support for multimedia communications and therefore in development of QoS architectures which incorporate QoS configurable interfaces and QoS driven control and management mechanisms across all architectural layers. A short survey of to date of QoS frameworks is presented and the IETF int-serv architecture framework for QoS in distributed multimedia systems are presented and discussed. Also a short review of QoS support in the new generation IP protocol IPv6 is presented.