
An Image Compression Scheme Based on Block Truncation Coding Using Real-time Block Classification and Modified Threshold for Pixels Grouping
Document Type
2018 Eighth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA) Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), 2018 Eighth International Conference on. :1-5 Nov, 2018
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Image reconstruction
Image coding
Image quality
Real-time systems
Computational efficiency
Image compression
Block Truncation Coding(BTC)
Block classification
Optimized threshold for pixel grouping
Block truncation coding (BTC), known as a simple and efficient digital image compression algorithm, its essential is to encode the non-overlapping sub-blocks of input images with a pair of low-/high- quantity levels and a distribution matrix. Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding (AMBTC) is a widely used modified version of BTC. Based on BTC, we paper propose a new approach by means of an adjusted threshold to classify each sub-block. Then, for those blocks grouped as to be modified we apply a new BTC-based modification method by searching optimized threshold as the replacement of the mean value of sub-blocks in AMBTC for pixels grouping. Experimental results show that, compared with AMBTC, the reconstructed image quality of proposed scheme can be improved by 0.5~0.8dB in Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR)