
An Efficient Predicting Lifeforms Using QGIS
Document Type
2022 IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC) Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC), 2022 IEEE World Conference on. :38-40 Jun, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Temperature sensors
Temperature measurement
Sea surface
Temperature dependence
Geographical information system
Marine aqua culture.
Marine agriculture or mariculture is an important source of income. A large number of people are directly dependent on fishing and related professions. It was estimated that an annual income of 1.4 trillion Indian rupees was generated in the fiscal year of 2019 due to mariculture. Most of the people of the fishermen community go into the sea or nearby rivers or lakes for catching fish. The population of fish is dependent on various factors like sea surface temperature, salinity, chlorophyll levels etc. Lacking the knowledge regarding these parameters affect the yield. So, to solve this, a prototype in a simulative environment is developed to map all the parameters along the coastline and pinpoint the apt locations for conducting fishing activities. A detailed explanation of the scenario and the software used is given in the successive contents of this document. Waterfront mariculture is currently confronting gigantic tensions, particularly from the anthropogenic exercises, variable climate, and multi-client struggle.