
Fire Risk Management Strategy Considering Arc Failure in an Aging Photovoltaic System
Document Type
2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Science (IC2ECS) Electrical Engineering and Control Science (IC2ECS), 2023 3rd International Conference on. :646-652 Dec, 2023
Computing and Processing
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Photovoltaic systems
Temperature distribution
Protective relaying
Arc discharges
photovoltaic fire
DC distribution cabinet
fault mechanism
electric arc
detection technology
Photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems that have been in service for nearly 10 years exhibit a high probability of direct current (DC) distribution faults, significant fire risks, and dangers. These issues severely affect the operational safety of PV power stations, their power generation, and output capabilities. They also present technical challenges for the station's operation and maintenance in terms of precise fault and fire detection. To address this, we begin with an analysis of faults in production site DC distribution cabinets, revealing the mechanisms behind poor contact, insulation degradation, fault arcs, and the evolution of electrical fires. We analyze the theoretical results of fault arc diagnosis and fire detection technology both domestically and internationally in terms of their effectiveness against operational station arc fires. We propose application solutions for pre-diagnosis of fault arcs and fire detection technologies. Our research results indicate that the fault arc diagnosis and fire detection technology application scheme proposed in this paper compensates for the shortcomings of DC relay protection, which cannot protect against series arc faults. It can effectively diagnose fault arcs and detect smoke and high temperatures to prevent the occurrence and escalation of fires.