
Actual call connection time characterization for wireless mobile networks under a general channel allocation scheme
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on. 1(4):682-691 Oct, 2002
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Wireless networks
Personal communication networks
Channel allocation
Telecommunication traffic
Base stations
Mobile communication
Resource management
Traffic control
Actual call connection time (ACCT) is the total time that a mobile user engages in communications over a wireless network during a call connection. Due to limited network resources of wireless mobile networks, a call connection may be prematurely disconnected and the ACCT for the call in general may not be the same as the requested call connection time (RCCT). The ACCT depends not only on the RCCT, but also on the network resource allocation scheme and network traffic. We characterize the ACCT and related performance metrics for wireless mobile networks under a newly proposed general channel allocation scheme. This scheme generalizes the nonprioritized scheme, the reserved channel scheme, the queueing priority scheme and the subrating scheme in such a way as to reduce the blocking probability of the handoff calls while keeping the ACCT as long as possible. Explicit formulae for the distribution and the expectation of the ACCT are obtained. The call completion probability, the call drop probability, and the average actual call connection times for both the complete calls and the incomplete calls are derived. The results can form the basis for designing better billing rate schemes by differentiating incomplete calls and complete calls.