
Fuzzy Based Battery Scheduling with Solar Power Generation for Home Energy Management System
Document Type
2021 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology (ICRTCST) Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology (ICRTCST), 2021 4th International Conference on. :130-134 Feb, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Fuzzy logic
Processor scheduling
Optimal scheduling
Control systems
Battery management system
Fuzzy controller
System architecture
State of charge of battery (SOC)
In this paper we discuss the problem of increased electricity price of house due to increasing load demand. To compensate the increased electricity price, now a days consumer, install solar photo voltaic panel and battery storage device. Proper scheduling of battery charging and discharging is very important to reduce the electricity price. If the charging of the battery is not properly scheduled it reflects negative impact in the electricity bill. So, the reduction in the electricity price by proper scheduling of battery is proposed in this paper. Fuzzy based scheduling of battery is proposed in this paper for reducing the electricity price of residential consumer in presence of solar power generation. Load profile, solar power generation, day ahead tariff, efficiency of battery and battery state of charge are the five variables chosen for battery scheduling.