
Natural Language Programming towards Solving Addition-Subtraction Word Problems for assessing AI-based offensive code generators
Document Type
2024 4th International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Systems (ICDECS) Data Engineering and Communication Systems (ICDECS), 2024 4th International Conference on. :1-6 Mar, 2024
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Adaptation models
Analytical models
Computational modeling
Natural languages
Transfer learning
Training data
Text to Code
Natural Language To Code
Universal Programming Language
Programming For All
C language code generation
Programming remains a dark art for beginners. The gap between how people speak and how computer programs are made has always made it hard for people to become programmers. Learning all the complex rules of programming languages can be really tough and often stops people from trying coding. But here, we have an idea to make things much easier. We’re working on a special tool that lets you tell the computer what you want to do in regular human language, whether you write it or say it out loud. It will then create the actual computer code for you, like magic! This will make programming easy, efficient, and user-friendly. By combining NLP and automatic code generation, our project wants to help people express their programming ideas in a way that feels natural and easy. This will bring in a new era of coding that’s friendly to everyone, making it possible for people of all kinds to bring their computer ideas to life without worrying about confusing coding rules.