
Application of controlled-drift detectors to spectroscopic X-ray imaging
Document Type
2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2007. NSS '07. IEEE. 2:1003-1008 Oct, 2007
Nuclear Engineering
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
X-ray detection
X-ray detectors
X-ray imaging
Energy resolution
Optical imaging
Current measurement
Charge measurement
Energy measurement
Position measurement
The Controlled-Drift Detector (CDD) is a fully-depleted silicon detector that allows 2-D position sensing and energy spectroscopy of X-rays in the range 1-30 keV with excellent time resolution (few tens of μs) and limited readout channels. Its working principle is based on the generation of equally spaced potential wells along the drift direction by applying an externally controlled perturbation to the linear drift potential. Operating the detector in integrate-readout mode the X-ray incident position in the drift direction is given by the measurement of the electron drift time while the X-ray energy is obtained from the measurement of the electron charge. A further relevant benefit of the short integration time is the possibility to operate the CDD at room temperature still having an acceptable energy resolution. For more demanding spectroscopic applications the ultimate energy resolution can be reached by moderately cooling the detector. In this paper we will focus on the applications of CDDs to two advanced X-ray spectroscopic imaging techniques, namely X-ray fluorescence imaging and X-ray diffraction-enhanced imaging.