
Segmentation of Liver Lesions Without Contrast Agents With Radiomics-Guided Densely UNet-Nested GAN
Document Type
IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 9:2864-2878 2021
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Engineering Profession
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Nuclear Engineering
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Image segmentation
Feature extraction
Magnetic resonance imaging
Liver lesions
multi-phase non-contrast MRI
Segmentation of liver lesions on non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is critical for patient management and treatment planning. In clinical treatment, the imaging process suffers from high-risk, expensive, and time-consuming due to using contrast agents (CA). Furthermore, manual segmentation has the disadvantages of tedious, low-reproducibility, and high misdiagnosis rate. Although some deep-learning based works have attempted for liver lesions segmentation, they are all limited to the use of contrast-enhanced MRI. To avoid the limitations comes from CA, we proposed a Radiomics-guided Densely-UNet-Nested Generative Adversarial Networks (Radiomics-guided DUN-GAN) for automatic segmentation of liver lesions on non-contrast MRI. Radiomics-guided DUN-GAN includes a DUN segmentor and a Radiomics-guided discriminator. It uses radiomics feature of the multi-phase contrast image as prior knowledge to guide the extraction of key implicit contrast radiomics (ICR) features in non-contrast images, thus achieving the direct lesions segmentation without CA for the first time. In the DUN segmentor, an innovative nested structure of Densely-UNet-connection reliably completes the segmentation. The nested structure extracts global features, semantic features, and ICR features by reasonably sharing features and maximizing information flow. Those features are fused with a new direction strategy of multi-integration features to improve the segmentation ability. In the innovative Radiomics-guided discriminator, the radiomics feature combined with the semantic feature enhances the discrimination of Radiomics-guided discriminator. Moreover, it guides the segmentor for multiple feature extraction via using the adversarial mechanism. Radiomics-guided DUN-GAN learns the mapping relationship between images, extracting the key ICR in the non-contrast image, and finally completing the accurate segmentation. Radiomics-guided DUN-GAN obtained the Dice Similarity Coefficient results of 93.47± 0.83% for the segmentation of lesions in non-contrast images from 250 clinical subjects. The results verify the Radiomics-guided DUN-GAN is accurate and robust, and it has the possibility of becoming a safe, inexpensive, and time-saving medical assistant tool in clinical diagnosis.