
Resilient Task Allocation in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems
Document Type
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE. 6(2):1327-1334 Apr, 2021
Robotics and Control Systems
Computing and Processing
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Task analysis
Robot sensing systems
Robot kinematics
Resource management
Multi-robot systems
Time measurement
Energy and environment-Aware automation
heterogeneous multi-robot coordination
multi-robot systems
multi-robot task allocation
This letter presents a resilient mechanism to allocate heterogeneous robots to tasks under difficult environmental conditions such as weather events or adversarial attacks. Our primary objective is to ensure that each task is assigned the requisite level of resources, measured as the aggregated capabilities of the robots allocated to the task. By keeping track of task performance deviations under external perturbations, our framework quantifies the extent to which robot capabilities (e.g., visual sensing or aerial mobility) are affected by environmental conditions. This enables an optimization-based framework to flexibly reallocate robots to tasks based on the most degraded capabilities within each task. In the face of resource limitations and adverse environmental conditions, our algorithm relaxes the resource constraints corresponding to some tasks, thus exhibiting a graceful degradation of performance. Simulated experiments in a multi-robot coverage and target tracking scenario demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.