
Research of Faraday magneto-optical effect DC optical sensing method based on modulation and demodulation
Document Type
2010 5th International Conference on Critical Infrastructure (CRIS) Critical Infrastructure (CRIS), 2010 5th International Conference on. :1-5 Sep, 2010
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Optical filters
Optical sensors
Optical polarization
Optical modulation
Optical variables measurement
Optical character recognition software
Current measurement
AC modulated optical source
Data acquisition and analysis
DSP technology
Faraday effect DC optical current transformer measurement system
Faraday magneto-optical effect DC optical sensing method
Modulation and Demodulation
Signal to noise bands overlap
Strong Smart Grid
With the development of HVDC project in State Strong Smart Grid, the Faraday magneto-optical effect optical current transformer has been paid more and more attention to. However, the signal to noise bands overlap in original Faraday effect DC optical current transformer causes its measurement accuracy to decrease. Therefore, this paper presents a Faraday magneto-optical effect DC optical sensing method based on modulation and demodulation. Moreover, a new Faraday effect DC optical current transformer measurement system is deduced and designed on this basis. Subsequently, this paper mainly studies and designs an AC modulated optical source. With data acquisition and analysis of several experiments by LabVIEW, the results prove that the optical source can steadily generate modulated light intensity. Based on the AC modulated optical source, combined with the DSP technology, a complete DC optical current measurement system is formed. The practicality of the designed DC optical current transformer system has been tested by experiments in this paper.