
University Students’ Learning Satisfaction in Live-streaming Tutoring for NEEP
Document Type
2023 3rd International Conference on Educational Technology (ICET) Educational Technology (ICET), 2023 3rd International Conference on. :233-237 Sep, 2023
Computing and Processing
Information security
Educational technology
Live-streaming tutoring
The National Entrance Examination for Postgraduate
Self-confidence in learning
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused sharp increase in social employment pressure, which pushes university students to strengthen their core competitiveness by continuing their studies. In China, to pass The National Entrance Examination for Postgraduate (NEEP), university students choose to receive tutoring. With offline tutoring limited, live-streaming tutoring has become an important choice due to its high interactivity and cost savings. Live streaming has been extensively utilized in education, but its appropriateness for tutoring students preparing for NEEP requires further investigation. The study collected and analyzed questionnaires of learning satisfaction from 258 university students. It was found that university students generally had strong learning satisfaction when receiving live-streaming tutoring. However, relatively speaking, students were not satisfied with the information security of live-streaming platform and interaction opportunities in class. There was no significant difference in satisfaction between different genders and majors. However, the results showed that students with greater self-confidence in learning reported significantly higher levels of satisfaction on all items. Students at higher-level universities reported significant higher levels of satisfaction with "Content quality", "Interaction opportunities" and "Usefulness".