
Sharing platform of digital specimen of wood canker based on WebGIS in Xinjiang province: architecture, design and implementation
Document Type
2022 International Conference on Computers, Information Processing and Advanced Education (CIPAE) CIPAE Computers, Information Processing and Advanced Education (CIPAE), 2022 International Conference on. :102-106 Aug, 2022
Computing and Processing
Microservice architectures
Data visualization
Computer architecture
QR codes
Spatial databases
Wood canker
Digital specimen
Integration Sharing
The collection, integration, analysis and sharing of digital specimens of wood canker is an important basic work for conducting relevant scientific research, education and teaching. In this study, for all kinds of users, such as scientific research, education, experts and the public, the architecture of Sharing platform of digital specimen of wood canker in Xinjiang province was designed by microservice architecture, the microservice function tree was constructed by domain-driven design method, the microservice cluster was built by using Spring Cloud technology components, and 8 kinds of microservices were developed based on WebGIS technology. The application results show that the platform is easy to use, provides data sharing and services through visualization and interactivity, and can provide decision-making data resources support for scientific research, education, monitoring, quarantine and prevention of wood canker.