
Electric Dual Variable Pump Controlled Hydraulic Motor
Document Type
2023 42nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC) Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2023 42nd. :770-774 Jul, 2023
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
PI control
Software packages
Design methodology
Hydraulic systems
PD control
Nonlinear systems
Dual variable pump control system
intelligent control
a dual input single output system
The combined control of variable speed and variable displacement is a new type of volume control with high efficiency and fast response. However, due to the inherent nonlinearity of multiplication, it brings certain difficulties to the control. The electric double-variable pump[1] is a dual-input single-output system, and it is a nonlinear system[2]. It is necessary to linearize the system or use a nonlinear control method to control and solve the control problem of the system. In this paper, an intelligent control rule is proposed for the nonlinear problem of double input and single output. Through backstepping design[3], the nonlinear system is transformed into multiple linear subsystems. Then the original system is turned into two independent subsystems with single input and single output, which are controlled separately. The co-simulation platform based on AMESIM and Simulink[4] has been verified and compared with a single PID control algorithm to simulate the step response and sinusoidal tracking performance of the system. The results show that the response speed of the system has been greatly improved.