
Blood Guard: An IoT Based Innovative RFID-Enhanced Blood Storage System with Biometric Security and Real-Time Temperature Monitoring
Document Type
2024 5th International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV) ICICV Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV), 2024 5th International Conference on. :602-606 Mar, 2024
Computing and Processing
Temperature sensors
Temperature measurement
Fingerprint recognition
Real-time systems
RFID tags
Blood Storage
Temperature Monitoring
Supply Chain
Smart Management
The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has currently developed a delivery system for medical supplies with the help of drones, called the “i-Drone” initiative. This research work aims to propose an idea, which will help in making a valuable addition to this initiative and make it smarter and more secure through the addition of several new features including RFID tags, fingerprint sensors, temperature sensors and integration with ThingSpeak and IFTTT. RFID tags will enable real-time tracking of blood bags ensuring that they are always in the right place. Fingerprint sensors will restrict access to authorized personnel, preventing unauthorized tampering. Temperature sensors will monitor the temperature of blood bags and send an alert if it falls below a safe level, ensuring that blood bags are always safe and viable. Integration with ThingSpeak and IFTTT will allow the temperature of blood bags to be displayed on a dashboard and for email alerts to be sent to registered users when the temperature drops below a safe level, providing additional transparency and accountability.