
Cylindrical Driven Shocks in Ceria
Document Type
2018 16th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics (MEGAGAUSS) Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics (MEGAGAUSS), 2018 16th International Conference on. :1-5 Sep, 2018
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Electric shock
Data models
proton radiography
liner implosion
Shock compression of granular ceria (CeO 2 ) was studied in converging cylindrical geometry using LANL proton radiography, and driven by the Precision High Energy-Density Liner Implosion Experiment (PHELIX) magnetic implosion system. PHELIX delivered nearly 4 MA to a 1.25-mm thick liner-impactor to magnetically accelerate it to ~0.8-1.0 mm μs −1 . The impactor launched a shock in the cylindrical Al outer wall of the target assembly containing equiaxed, 0.63-μm-mean diameter ceria powder initially compacted to a static density of 3.95 or 4.03 g cm −3 . The cylindrically converging shock in the target was observed with a series of 21 proton-radiographic frames down the axis of the cylinder. Proton radiography was performed using a ×3 magnetic lens magnifier and a 7.5-mrad collimator. The proton radiographic views were transformed from transmission images to areal density images, for comparison to a model. Results indicate that significant energy was expended in compacting the porous CeO 2 , as the wave velocity markedly decreases during convergence, and a clear shock reflected from the axis was not observed. These observations are inconsistent with pre-shot modeling, and highlight the need for an improved understanding of the physics of compaction under non-ideal loading configurations.