
Autonomous Path Follow UAV to Assist Onshore Pipe Inspection Tasks
Document Type
2022 7th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE) Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE), 2022 7th International Conference on. :112-117 Nov, 2022
Robotics and Control Systems
Operating systems
Autonomous aerial vehicles
Natural gas industry
pipeline inspection
unmanned aerial vehicle
computer vision
oil and gas industry
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being deployed in different applications due to their reduced time execution to perform tasks, more extensive coverage area, and more risk minimization to humans. In the Oil & Gas industry, its use for inspection activities is even more attractive due to the large structures in these facilities. Therefore, this research proposes deploying an autonomous UAV system to inspect unburied pipelines of onshore O&G facilities. The proposed UAV guiding system is based on image processing techniques Canny edge detection and Hough Transform to detect the line and on a path follower algorithm to generate the trajectory. The proposed strategy was developed in Robot Operating System (ROS) and tested in a simulated environment considering the practical operational. The same controller was tested on a physical UAV to validate the results obtained in previous simulations. The results demonstrated the effectiveness and feasibility of deploying the proposed strategy for this specific task and the cost reduction potential for real-life operations, as well as reduced potential risks to the physical integrity of the workers.