
A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based Framework for Pneumonia Detection
Document Type
2021 International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2) Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2), 2021 International Conference on. :1-5 May, 2021
Computing and Processing
Support vector machines
Machine learning algorithms
Pulmonary diseases
Machine learning
Feature extraction
Convolutional neural networks
hand-crafted descriptors
Pneumonia is an infectious and deadly disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every third person dies due to this disease. It can be cured if detected accurately and on time. Chest X-rays are used to diagnose this disease, but it requires expert radiotherapists and a very time-consuming process. So, it is the need of the hour to develop an automatic system to detect pneumonia that could perform better and produce faster results. However, traditional handcrafted machine learning techniques show low accuracy and are expensive in terms of complexity. Deep convolutional neural networks (D-CNNs) show better performance in this regard and are simple and easy to use as compared to machine learning algorithms. In this paper, a novel algorithm based on AlexNet and SVM is proposed to detect pneumonia. We also compared the results of AlexNet with other D-CNNs to check which one is performing better. Experimental results prove that AlexNet integrated with SVM outperforms all other techniques.