
Development of HR Metrics and Plans for Employee Engagement in Banking Sector Using Blockchain Technology
Document Type
2024 5th International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV) ICICV Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV), 2024 5th International Conference on. :837-842 Mar, 2024
Computing and Processing
Deep learning
Performance evaluation
Smart contracts
Prediction algorithms
Real-time systems
Banking sector
Employee engagement
Blockchain technology
HR professional
Professional growth
The development of an economy is based upon the functioning of banking sectors. Employee engagement is an important tool for obtaining a productive base. This is obtained through a cutting-edge approach such as deep learning integrated with blockchain technology. The deep learning algorithms are used to analyze huge amounts of HR data. This results from performance reviews to employee feedback. This helps HR professionals in the banking sector to identify the recent trends and potential areas for the development of employee engagement. The integration of blockchain technology provides security and transparency in HR plans. This helps in increasing the data integrity and reducing the risk of unauthorized access. This is largely influenced in the banking sector because the information must be maintained confidentially. The deep learning algorithms are used to predict employee engagement levels based on historical data and real-time inputs. This helps the HR professionals can proactively implement targeted initiatives to enhance workplace satisfaction which helps in improving professional growth. The use of blockchain technology helps to obtain reliable information for performance evaluation. This helps to obtain the trust between the employees. Thus the proposed system provides a transparent approach to workforce management in a dynamic banking environment.