
Multi-scale inverse design of optical metasurfaces using physics-informed computational intelligence
Document Type
2023 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) CAI Artificial Intelligence (CAI), 2023 IEEE Conference on. :207-209 Jun, 2023
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Optical design
Optical propagation
Optical metamaterials
Optical computing
Optical fiber networks
Optical materials
Computational intelligence
deep optics
inverse design
machine learning
optical metasurface
Interest in inverse design for the efficient and accurate design of optical devices has increased in recent years. In the case of complex optical problems which span several orders of magnitude, inverse design is an especially difficult problem. In this paper we propose a multi-scale inverse design process which leverages machine learning tools to encode the numerical simulation of optical wave propagation and material wave modulation directly as layers of a neural network. This requires consideration of both the near field electromagnetic response with respect to metasurface (material) devices, as well as far field effects as the wave propagates through space. The end result is the efficient modeling and optimization spanning several orders of magnitude.