
Construction and Robustness of Directed-weighted Stock Networks with Meso-scale
Document Type
2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Computer Application (ICDSCA) Data Science and Computer Application (ICDSCA), 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on. :450-453 Oct, 2022
Computing and Processing
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Signal Processing and Analysis
Computer applications
Data science
Stability analysis
Stock markets
Directed stock networks
Granger causality test
Sliding window method
We propose a new algorithm for constructing directed stock networks with meso-scale on the basis of the sliding window method and the Granger causality test. We then construct some directed financial stock networks with meso-scale by using the proposed algorithm on the financial stock data of the Shanghai Stock Exchange divided at the meso-scale level. By simulation, it is found that: (i) In the first half of 2016, stocks are not only more interconnected but also more closely connected. (ii) Under deliberate attacks, the stock market structure was the strongest in the first half of 2016, and the weakest in the second half of 2018; (iii) On the one hand, stock market regulators should face up to the normal stock delisting in the stock market, and on the other hand, they should strictly control the malicious manipulation, protect the important stock nodes, and maintain the stability of the stock market.