
Finding Riders Without Helmets and Retrieving Number Plates
Document Type
2024 International Conference on Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC) Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC), 2024 International Conference on. :371-375 Feb, 2024
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Signal Processing and Analysis
Adaptation models
Technological innovation
Computational modeling
Road safety
Deep learning techniques
(Optical Character Recognition)OCR
(Convolution Neural Network)CNN
In the intricate tapestry of urban mobility, our research project, "Finding Riders Without Helmets and Retrieving Number Plates," emerges as a beacon of technological vigilance. Through the fusion of convolutional neural networks(CNN) and the prowess of YOLOv3, we embark on a digital quest to identify motorcycles in video streams. Within this virtual realm, our model discerns the absence of helmets with a keen eye, unraveling a narrative of safety and compliance. It then delves deeper, extracting the clandestine codes etched on number plates through the artistry of optical character recognition(OCR). In this symphony of algorithms and pixels, our work stands as a testament to the potential to reshape the landscape of road safety.As the pixels unfold in the narrative of our project, a dynamic dance of technology ensues, choreographed by convolutional neural networks and orchestrated by YOLOv3. Our mission: is to decipher the language of safety within the bustling streets. Picture a virtual canvas where motorcycles are spotlighted, their riders scrutinized for the presence of helmets, and their number plates laid bare. It's a ballet of algorithms, where the absence of helmets becomes a pivotal note and number plates transform into visual poetry. In the grand theater of road safety, our work takes center stage, a digital overture heralding a safer, more compliant tomorrow.