
A Knowledge-Driven Anomaly Detection Framework for Social Production System
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems IEEE Trans. Comput. Soc. Syst. Computational Social Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 11(3):3179-3192 Jun, 2024
Computing and Processing
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
General Topics for Engineers
Feature extraction
Anomaly detection
Production systems
Electronic mail
Neural networks
Image anomaly detection
knowledge-driven learning
social production system
In the social production system, image data are rapidly generated from almost all fields such as factories, hospitals, and transportation, promoting higher requirements for image anomaly detection technologies, including low consumption, higher adaptability, and accuracy. However, existing anomaly detection methods are fragile to heterogeneous image data generated by complex social production systems and tend to require strong computing power and resource support. To address the above problems, a knowledge-driven anomaly detection framework is proposed, in which a local feature enhancement method is designed to strengthen the knowledge representation of the initial features extracted from images. The attention mechanism in deep learning is introduced to adjust the feature attention dynamically according to prior knowledge, which solves the problem of feature loss in the cascade training. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed framework, extensive experiments on social production datasets are conducted. The results demonstrate that our framework outperforms the selected methods on image datasets with different complexity and sample distributions.