
Automatic generation control performance evaluation method for thermal power units based on improved linear segmentation method
Document Type
2022 Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC) Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC), 2022. :722-726 Aug, 2022
Computing and Processing
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Performance evaluation
Thermal variables control
Stability criteria
Automatic generation control
Power system stability
Feature extraction
automatic generation control
deep peak regulation
linear segmentation
performance evaluation
The participation of thermal power units in deep peak regulation is of great significance to the improvement of power grid consumption capacity, but the network-related performance decreases under deep peak regulation. Combined with the requirements for the automatic generation control performance of thermal power units, an automatic generation control performance evaluation method for thermal power units based on improved linear segmentation method is proposed. The method automatically divides the response, action and stability stages in the process of variable load, and conducts dynamic performance analysis on the variable load process. Compared with the existing evaluation methods, the automatic generation control performance evaluation method based on the improved linear segmentation method is less affected by noise, and the evaluation results are more accurate.