
Application of a Neural Network Classifier to Radiofrequency-Based Osteopenia/Osteoporosis Screening
Document Type
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE. :15-18 Nov, 2021
Radio frequency
Density measurement
Neural networks
Clinical trials
This preliminary study reports application of a neural network classifier to the processing of previously collected data on low power radiofrequency propagation through the wrist with the goal to detect osteoporotic/osteopenic conditions. The data set used includes 67 subjects (23-94 years old, 50 females, 17 males, 27 osteoporotic/osteopenic, 40 healthy). We process the entire spectrum of the propagation coefficient through the wrist from 30 kHz to 2 GHz, with 201 sampling points in total. We found that the dichotomic diagnostic test of raw non-normalized radiofrequency data performed with the trained neural network approaches 90% specificity and ~70% sensitivity. These results are obtained without inclusion of any additional clinical risk factors. They justify that the radio transmission data are usable on their own as a predictor of bone density. With the inclusion of additional clinical risk factors, both specificity and sensitivity improve to 95% and 76% respectively. Our approach correlates well with the available DXA measurements and has the potential for screening patients at risk for fragility fractures, given the ease of implementation and low costs associated with both the technique and the equipment.Clinical Relevance— Dichotomic diagnostic test of raw non-normalized radiofrequency data performed with the trained neural network approaches 90% specificity and ~70% sensitivity. With the inclusion of other clinical risk factors, specificity and sensitivity increase to 95% and 76% respectively.