
Cloud Based Automated Low Power Long Range Smart Farming Modular IoT Architecture
Document Type
2022 2nd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON) Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON), 2022 2nd Odisha International Conference on. :1-5 Nov, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Smart agriculture
Wide area networks
Data analysis
Data visualization
Computer architecture
Internet of Things (IoT)
smart agriculture
LoRa technology
remote monitoring
The absence of high-level automated management in modern traditional agricultural farms is a result of the few deployed sensor nodes and measurement equipment. Future smart farming will play a significant role in the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology since it will enable mechanized actions with little human involvement. The major goal of this study is to build a flexible Internet of Things infrastructure that will allow for uninterrupted information gathering from numerous IoT systems for remote access of agricultural fields of varying sizes. End users will have access to this data, and they may utilize them to enhance decision-making and create and test sophisticated prediction algorithms. The farm perception layer, sensors and actuators layer, communication layer, and application layer are the four tiers that this research considers in terms of a flexible strategy and technical issues. This differs from comparable papers focusing on specific applications or analyse the technical advantages of certain IoT stack tiers. Utilizing LoRaWAN technology, the suggested solutions for remotely monitoring the soil, plant, and environmental factors have been developed, put into practise, and evaluated. Depending on the outcome of both experimental and simulation validation, the platform can be used to collect insightful analytics for in-the-moment observation, allowing judgments and actions like, for eg., managing irrigation systems or sending alarms. The article consists of outlining a customizable hardware and software architecture based on LoRaWAN technology that is intended for monitoring agricultural fields of various sizes. The suggested platform was tested at a real farm in Odisha over a three-month period, gathering environmental data (air/soil temperature and humidity) relevant to the development of agricultural goods (namely grapes and greenhouse vegetables). A web-based data visualisation tool is also provided to verify the LoRaFarM architecture.