
A Transfer Learning Framework for Anomaly Detection Using Model of Normality
Document Type
2020 11th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON) Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 2020 11th IEEE Annual. :0055-0061 Nov, 2020
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Nuclear Engineering
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Computational modeling
Neural networks
Feature extraction
Real-time systems
Task analysis
Anomaly detection
anomaly detection
surface textures
convolutional neural network (CNN)
transfer learning
similarity measure
model of normality (MoN)
decision threshold
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) techniques have proven to be very useful in image-based anomaly detection applications. CNN can be used as deep features extractor where other anomaly detection techniques are applied on these features. For this scenario, using transfer learning is common since pre-trained models provide deep feature representations that are useful for anomaly detection tasks. Consequentially, anomaly can be detected by applying similarly measure between extracted features and a defined model of normality. A key factor in such approaches is the decision threshold used for detecting anomaly. While most of the proposed methods focus on the approach itself, slight attention has been paid to address decision threshold settings. In this paper, we tackle this problem and propose a well-defined method to set the working-point decision threshold that improves detection accuracy. We introduce a transfer learning framework for anomaly detection based on similarity measure with a Model of Normality (MoN) and show that with the proposed threshold settings, a significant performance improvement can be achieved. Moreover, the framework has low complexity with relaxed computational requirements.