
Link-ability: A Prediction Method of Web Service Compatibility based on Markov Process
Document Type
2022 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA) NANA Networking and Network Applications (NaNA), 2022 International Conference on. :511-516 Dec, 2022
Computing and Processing
Collaborative filtering
Prediction methods
Markov processes
Prediction algorithms
Service-oriented architecture
Service Composition
Compatibility Prediciton
Markov Process
Service Oriented Architecture
Prediction on compatibility of a service is crucial because it not only provides assurance for service requesters to successfully fulfil the workflow, but also relieves the pressure of the service pool from overload. Existing researches on parameter prediction mainly rely on collaborative filtering and matrix factorization, which are easily exposed to data-sparse problem, and they don't have solid support from mathematical proof. In this paper, we are the first to propose a method to predict compatibility with reliable mathematical proof, and its mechanism prevents data-sparse. Firstly we propose an architecture called Topology Retrievable Service Oriented Architecture, which is capable of collecting individual invocation records in a specific period of time and generate the whole topology of the service pool. Secondly, based on the architecture we presented, we give our definitions of Link-ability, propose Link-ability Generation Algorithm and present our solid mathematical strategies in the aspect of Markov Process. Lastly, we perform a series of experiment to strengthen our point, the result shows that our Link-ability not only reveals compatibility, but also potential compatibility of connecting services.