
Experimental Evaluation of Internet of Things Assisted Industrial Automation System with Smart Emergency Alert Mechanism
Document Type
2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications (GCITC) Information Technologies and Communications (GCITC), 2023 Global Conference on. :1-6 Dec, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Production facilities
Internet of Things
Industrial accidents
Sustainable development
Industrial Automation System
Smart Emergency Alert
Industrial Safety
Modern Technology
Environmental sustainability, energy and raw material availability, and globalization are just a few of the major societal concerns that are generating new demands on a wide range of societal players. Efficiency, adaptability, sustainability, and competitiveness are some of the new criteria. These have been around for a while, and a variety of systems have been tuned locally in terms of a few of these requirements, but recent developments with regard to communication and computational characteristics have made them much more useful to guarantee new possibilities for combining various parts of society, allowing for optimum performance on a scale that is far greater. The impact of IoT on several sectors of the economy has been substantial. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that allows us to manage physical things over the internet in order to save time and energy. There are several factories in India because of the country’s rapid economic growth. However, industrial accidents were a severe problem in many sectors. However, industrial accidents were a big problem because they resulted in casualties and financial losses for businesses. This initiative aims to reduce the devastating effects of fires in high-risk industries including the oil, chemical and petrochemical sectors, where many lives and fortunes have been lost. It is crucial to have a system in place that can ensure the safety of the factory grounds and promptly alert the proper authorities should an emergency arise. In the past, a single bottle at a time would be loaded onto a conveyor and filled. This strategy is time-consuming and costly. Internet of Things (IoT) in Industries has been implemented to monitor and notify the individual in charge to take suitable measures in order to reduce manual overhead and therefore partially meet our needs. The manufacturing sector might benefit from AI-based management and oversight. “Ecosystem having Manufacturing Relevant Implication” better describes the Internet of Things than “modern technology.”