
Dynamic analysis of crank slider mechanism with clearance of rotating pair
Document Type
2023 International Conference on Mechatronics, IoT and Industrial Informatics (ICMIII) ICMIII Mechatronics, IoT and Industrial Informatics (ICMIII), 2023 International Conference on. :40-46 Jun, 2023
Computing and Processing
Analytical models
Numerical analysis
Nonlinear dynamical systems
contact force model
rotating pair clearance
crank-slider mechanism
In order to investigate the effect of rotating sub clearance on the dynamical characteristics of planar multi-body systems, the dynamic model of multi-body system with rotating pair clearance is established. Based on Flores contact force model, nonlinear contact stiffness is introduced to describe the internal contact force of rotating pair more accurately. The validity and accuracy of the contact force model was verified by analyzing the impact of clearance size and different recovery factors on the dynamic behavior of the resulting system. Finally, an improved contact force model is presented as an example of a crank-slider mechanism with rotating sub clearance, and the effects of rotating sub clearance and crank speed on the mechanical properties of a planar crank-slider mechanism are discussed. Simulation data showing that an extension of the rotating subset clearance causes an increase in the slider acceleration amplitude and a decrease in the oscillation frequency; When the crank speed rises, the accuracy of the movement decreases.