
Subconjuntos mínimos de corrección para explicar características muertas en modelos de líneas de productos. El caso de los modelos de características
Document Type
2013 8th Computing Colombian Conference (8CCC) Computing Colombian Conference (8CCC), 2013 8th. :1-6 Aug, 2013
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Robotics and Control Systems
Adaptation models
Silicon compounds
Programming and Software Engineering
Product Line Models
Defect Explanations
Dead Feature
Take advantage of benefits offered by the paradigm of product lines depends, among other things, of the quality of models that represent product lines. An important facet of quality is ensuring that the Product Line Models (PLMs) are free of defects. One type of defect is the dead features (i.e., features that cannot be used in any valid product). Product Line modelers need tools that help them to identify why features are dead and how to correct the model. However, even if several works exist in literature for identifying dead features, few of them explain why dead features appear or they provide incomplete explanations. In this paper, we propose a new method to explain why each dead feature occurs in PLMs expressed with the notation of feature models. Our explanation involves identifying different subsets of elements that could be modified to correct the model. This explanation provides the information to fix each dead feature.