
Improving security in cloud computing using colonial competition algorithm
Document Type
2024 20th CSI International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP) Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP), 2024 20th CSI International Symposium on. :1-8 Feb, 2024
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Cloud computing
Signal processing algorithms
Signal processing
cloud computing
cloud computing security
meta-innovative algorithms
colonial complacency meta-innovative algorithm
Cloud computing has many advantages, and this has led to its widespread acceptance, but issues related to security and maintaining private territory are among the most important concerns in the field of this technology. The first step to achieving success in the information technology environment is to create security and privacy.. Security threats can appear from inside and outside of cloud computing.The appearance of security threats from inside and outside is possible in the field of cloud computing, so one of the guarantees that users expect from cloud computing service providers is the protection of their data from internal and external threats. In this article, we intend to investigate the aforementioned challenge by taking inspiration from the colonial competition algorithm and by improving the components related to the reliability of sending and receiving information, to improve the safe availability of data and the amount of lost data for Reduce the issue of security in the cloud computing environment. Improving security and securing data in cloud computing through the provided solution has led to the reduction of operating costs and ultimately increased efficiency, development of storage space, and higher compatibility and flexibility.