
Body Parts Segmentation with Attached Props Using RGB-D Imaging
Document Type
2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 2015 International Conference on. :1-8 Nov, 2015
Signal Processing and Analysis
Biological system modeling
Resource description framework
People detection is essential in a lot of different systems. Many applications nowadays tend to require people detection to achieve certain tasks. These applications come under many disciplines, such as robotics, ergonomics, biomechanics, gaming and automotive industries. This wide range of applications makes human body detection an active area of research. With the release of depth sensors or RGB-D cameras such as Micosoft Kinect, this area of research became more active, specially with their affordable price. Human body detection requires the adaptation of many scenarios and situations. Various conditions such as occlusions, background cluttering and props attached to the human body require training on custom built datasets. In this paper we present an approach to prepare training datasets to detect and track human body with attached props. The proposed approach uses rigid body physics simulation to create and animate different props attached to the human body. Three scenarios are implemented. In the first scenario the prop is closely attached to the human body, such as a person carrying a backpack. In the second scenario, the prop is slightly attached to the human body, such as a person carrying a briefcase. In the third scenario the prop is not attached to the human body, such as a person dragging a trolley bag. Our approach gives results with accuracy of 93% in identifying both the human body parts and the attached prop in all the three scenarios.