
Hybrid Round-Robin Load Balancing with Indexing for Fast Collection of Personal Data at Big Data Webservices
Document Type
2023 1st International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technologies (ICONNIC) Advanced Engineering and Technologies (ICONNIC), 2023 1st International Conference on. :33-37 Oct, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Big Data
Load management
Web servers
Time factors
Round robin
Round Robin
Load Balancing
Having the necessary skills to differentiate between front-end and back-end services is crucial. In today's world, there is a growing emphasis on developing web services, a type of software that provides services that other software programs can access via the Web. However, this increased demand from users can lead to system inefficiencies, resulting in sluggishness and bottlenecks. This study aims to assess and shed light on the load-balancing capabilities of the round-robin approach to address these issues. The load-balancing server duty is divided up across numerous Web servers running the Apache Web Server using this method, while the database server in use is MySQL. In studies with 80 users and 30 trials without round robin, the average reaction time from 10 trials was 6394 ms; the average minimum response time was 940 ms; the average maximum response time was 16349 ms; and the error was 0.00%. As a closing remark, utilizing the Round Robin method and indexing will reduce response time and produce a constant number when compared to not utilizing them.